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It is important for you to get your bible out and see these verses we reference are correct.
Romans 3:23 You must understand that you are a sinner and lost with out Jesus.
Romans 6:23 It must be Pointed out that the wages of sin is death but the Gift
Of GOD is eternal life. You must know that Christ paid the debt for your sins.
Romans 10:8 10:9 You must repent of your sins and put your faith in Christ
10:8 says Look how close the word of faith is to you right now.
10:9 says Confess with your mouth Jesus as your Lord and believe
with your heart and you will surely be saved .
With the mouth confession is made unto salvation.
You should make a public profession that Christ has come into your life.
You must ask Jesus to save you and here is a simple prayer you may use when you mean it with your heart that Jesus needs to come into your life.

Dear Lord, I realize I am a sinner lost and on my way to hell. I right now repent of my sins and receive Jesus Christ as my Savior.

Now all you need to do is find someone to make a public profession or acknowledgement  that you have received Christ. (Romans 10:9)  Share it with
Us at the email below.

When you turn your
Life over to Jesus

You will understand what
Fireworks really are

Pastor Jimmy Stanley
606 237 0014     606 353 7447